Tag Archives: Pregnancy Advice

34th week of pregnancy

Thirty fourth week of pregnancy is one of the most precarious stages during the period the infant is in the mother’s womb. It is the stage in which major organs of baby are at development stage. At this stage mother should be very careful because this is the week in which the baby positions itself in her womb and survival chances increases when baby is born after 34th week of pregnancy, if everything is normal with the baby.  Although some complications may occur but these are short term, babies born after this period i.e pregnancy after 34th week acquire complete normal life in long terms and hardly makes any difference with the fully matured babies. The mother feels a lot of discomfort and heaviness. But this pain is worth for giving birth to a beautiful baby.

Changes in 34th week pregnant woman’s fetus:

Normally Baby in 34th week weights around 4 to 5 pounds, bones developed fully but still flexible with week joints.

The average length of 34th week baby is about 17 to 18 inches, fat begins to accumulate in baby’s body which helps in maintaining the body temperature when the baby is born.

Central nervous system and lungs have just finished development.

Changes in body of the mother:

The pressure in the lungs and the chest which was huge before the 34th week for the pregnant mother will reduce.

The fetus movement in 34th week towards the pelvis will lead little pain.  The bottom of the belly becomes sensitive and the tissues surrounding it become gentle.

Woman will expirence heartburn. Since the levels of the acids inside the body is imbalanced after each knock from the 34th week pregnant fetus woman are said to expirence heartburn’s. Read More…

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Posted by on May 30, 2013 in pregnancy


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Tips from 34th week pregnancy

Body parts like the hands, face parts, legs, sides of the wists and feet bottom will start swelling. It is mandatory to contact the health advisory if the swelling is severe and if it is leading to dizziness, fainting and headache. Don’t worry and be patient as this phenomenon can be a reason of preeclampsia.

Because of retention of water swelling appears. The only way to get rid of it is just to drink more water. These symptoms disappear after the human pregnancy in 34th week is passed.

Tips from 34th week pregnancy India:

The solution for the heart burn during 34th pregnancy week is to eat seven to eight times a day rather than the daily routine of large meals of three times a day.

Remember the 34th week pregnant mother is carrying a life inside her.  Avoid wearing any kind of tight cloths which can be discomfort for the child or the mother. Loose, cloths of comfort or baggy clothes are advised.  This will be easy to go around, take a walk or rest on sofa.

If you want to go for a massage to reduce pains go for it. If your friends and family is around take help from them or find a massage center. This can help in reducing pain and swelling.

If you are a photography jerk. Go for it. This 34th week pregnancy development is the cutoff time for any kinds of photographs. The so called maternity photos. It gets hard to move the belli after the week is passed.

Stay away from cigarettes also smokers. This air can be harmful for the baby inside. Other things like alcohol, tobacco etc. should be avoided. Remember health is the prior thing to take care of. Read More…

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Posted by on May 30, 2013 in pregnancy


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List of Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Indian vegetables to avoid during pregnancy: eggplant (baigan), chillies, garlic, onion, yam, ginger and celery must be cut down to ensure you do not lose your baby. On the other hand, consumption of seasonal vegetables like turai, lauki, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and parwal is hugely beneficial as they are high on nutrients. Use a number of vegetables in your diet rather than sticking to only one or two.

Herbs and spices: if one is wondering what not to eat during pregnancy in Indian food, take note of certain spices that must be avoided. Fennel seeds (saunf) and fenugreek contain compounds that act like estrogen and induce contractions of the uterus. Ajinomoto is also excluded from food chart during pregnancy as it can cause damage to the baby’s developing brain.

Raw eggs and unpasteurized milk: raw eggs may be contaminated by the salmonella virus, which can infect the woman and can cause damage to the baby. Same is the case with unpasteurized milk that can contain listeria. Listeria can cross the placenta and can infect the baby. Hence these are foods to avoid during pregnancy in India.

Seafood: oily fishes are beneficial for the mother. However, not all types of fish can be eaten during pregnancy. High mercury content fishes like mackerel and swordfish figure in the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy in India as they can cause serious brain damage to the developing fetus, causing retardation or mental disorders.  Oysters, smoked salmon and sashimi must be also be skipped.

Adapt to a healthy lifestyle: What not to eat in pregnancy in India will also include high caffeine content drinks like colas, coffee and tea. It goes without saying that alcohol, drugs and tobacco must be avoided before, during and after pregnancy. Read More…

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Posted by on May 11, 2013 in pregnancy


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Tuberculosis of uterus

Tuberculosis of uterusTuberculosis or TB is an infectious disease that is thought to affect the liver. However, contrary to this popular belief TB can spread to other parts of the body through the blood stream. Tuberculosis spreads from one person to another by coming in contact with bacteria from an infected person, by coughing, spitting or sneezing. These bacteria remain in air for a long time and can infect others. However, it does not spread by touching or sharing of utensils.

What is Uterus Tuberculosis?

When a woman comes in contact with the TB bacteria, it affects her lungs and eventually reaches her reproductive system. The bacteria first affect the fallopian tubes after which the lining of uterus is infected, a condition known as Tuberculosis in Uterus. TB in uterus is not a genetic disease and is difficult to diagnose as the bacteria may remain inside the body in an inactive state for as long as 20 years.

Symptoms of Uterus TB:

Early diagnosis of uterus TB is still difficult even with the advances in medical field. As the TB bacteria remains in a dormant state inside the body for years, it might be late before the infection is diagnosed. Sometimes there are no apparent symptoms, but a list of most commonly observed uterus tuberculosis symptoms has been mentioned here:

  • Sudden loss of weight
  • Disturbance in the menstrual cycle
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Pain in pelvic region
  • High fever for a prolonged duration
Uterus tuberculosis treatment:

If uterus TB test is done and it is detected at an initial stage, it may be treated completely. A very effective medication known as anti-tubercular therapy or ATT counters the TB bacteria to eliminate it from the body completely. The AKT 3 tablets or Anti Koch’s 3 tablets are effective against uterus TB. The name stands for Koch’s bacillus or TB bacillus after the discoverer Robert Koch and because of the fact that the tablets are taken as a kit of 3 on daily basis. This treatment continues from 6 to 9 months depending on severity of infection. It treats the pain and fever but may not repair the fallopian tubes f they have already damaged. It is important to be sure about TB medication before starting off with the treatment course.

How does uterus tuberculosis affect fertility?

Many women are worried and ask questions like, “will taking Uterus TB tablets affect my menses?” The truth is, TB in uterus can be treated if it is at an early stage. However, in serious cases it can lead to scarring of tissue and scanty periods. If the uterus lining has been damaged severely, the fertility of these women will be compromised.

Having tuberculosis in uterus with pregnancy:

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed of uterus TB, she has to take extra care of her baby and her body. Proper precautions must be taken to protect the health of the baby as the anti-TB medication has several side effects as well. Uterus tuberculosis patient pregnancy needs to be closely monitored by her doctor to prevent any complications in the future. A balanced and healthy diet with proper rest is the utmost necessity for a pregnant woman suffering with uterus TB. The doctor will prescribe special medication and create a diet chart for such cases.

The body needs sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and protein to fight with the TB bacteria in the body. Hence one must include a fair share of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits in the diet. Additional vitamin supplements may be prescribed by the doctor. One must completely avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol as well as fried and fatty foods.

For More Information : Tuberculosis of uterus

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Posted by on April 1, 2013 in pregnancy


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